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Photography Arithmetic...Shy Kids + Photography Session = No Problem

Kim Lloyd Photography

Updated: Aug 23, 2022

I hope this post finds you well and that you're adjusting to your new routine, whatever that looks like in this unprecedented time. Our summer was uneventful (thankfully) and we passed the days binge-watching Survivor, playing Roblox, reading, and going to the beach as often as we could.

And as much as it felt like Groundhog Day much of the time, the summer flew by and middle school was suddenly upon us.  Like many of your little people, my girls started school three weeks ago. We had all been looking forward to this day for weeks, if for no other reason, it would give us something to do other than sitting around and staring at each other. 

This year, they started at a new school with new friends and teachers and thankfully, all of it was made a little less intimidating by virtue of them "going" to school online for the first week.  And being the nosy mom I am, I stood outside their doors, listening to their Zoom meetings, while their new teachers chatted with them, trying to get to know each new student before they started in-person.  And I have to say, I was surprised at how subdued my redhead was. My normally outgoing, confident girl said very little when addressed by her teachers. This is a child who, at three, introduced herself to every single person we passed in the aisles at Publix, every single time we went shopping. 

But this crazy situation of having to meet new teachers and classmates in a Zoom meeting left her speechless.  By the end of the week, she was chatting with friends and playfully teasing one of the teachers after beating him in a Kahoot. All she needed was a little bit of time to show her new people who she was.  And I realized, the same could be said for many of us in any new situation. As much as I love meeting new people, it usually takes me a few minutes to warm up. And with kids, it can often take more than a few minutes for them to feel comfortable enough to show their true selves.  When you only have an hour or so for your photography session before your little one finds something else he'd rather be doing, you don't want to spend that time easing your child into a session. You want him to already be comfortable with the photographer you're working with and ready to play! And I have a plan to make that happen for you! One of my new favorite things that I've added to my sessions is an opportunity for us to get to know each other prior to the session. Here's how it works: When you first schedule your session, I will email you a brief questionnaire to fill out. This helps me learn more about your family as well as any special things you want to focus on during your session. This has helped tremendously, even with clients who have been with me for years, since kids can change so much in the course of a few months.  Then, we'll schedule to meet for a pre-session consultation, either in person (with masks) or over FaceTime/Google Duo, so that I can meet/see your family and get to know them a little better (or get re-aquainted if we've met before). We'll go over the questionnaire you completed and I can answer any questions you or your family have. I will also share with you some of the beautiful products I offer. And if you want, I can even walk around the house with you (in person or virtually) and help you decide where you might want to display your pictures.  My goal with every session I photograph is to make the process as easy as possible from start to finish. Your pre-session consultation will help you prepare for your session so that when the day arrives, you're ready to relax and just enjoy being with your family. Whether in-person or over the phone, it's been awesome connecting with my clients before we meet for their session! Are you ready to give it a try??

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